Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Milestones lost in the rush

Last night, as Chris and I were falling asleep, we were sleepily making plans for how we could celebrate Valentine's Day. At some point, I realised that it was actually this week. And then realised it was February.

"That means that on Friday it'll be four years since we got engaged! Wait a minute: that means that I forgot about our dating anniversary last month! We've been a couple for six years!"

Chris was unsurprised by any of this. He had noticed these milestones but had just assumed that we had stopped celebrating all of these other milestones, now that we have a wedding anniversary to poorly celebrate. (He didn't mind that I'd forgotten about all these dates. I remember the important ones, like his birthday.)

Then, this morning, I realised that I've missed another milestone by almost a month: my third blogiversary was on January 15th! I just checked my archives to see what I even blogged that day, and I didn't blog at all, because I was laid so low by that awful cold I had in January. I spent the day using my neti pot, watching reruns of So You Think You Can Dance?, and finally making spectacular progress on my comps reading. I then got over my cold enough to go and spend far too much time with Meg and Karl. Maybe I haven't changed that much.

So, little blog with your 1110 posts (as of this one), I'm sorry that I'm nearly a month late, but happy birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we never did celebrate the dating anniversary but I do remember it: december 27th, 1996.