Thursday, January 05, 2006

Welcome to Allergy Central

Stage in allergy injection build-up: I had the first small dose (0.02 cc) of the inhalant serum yesterday, and I have the next (0.03cc) tomorrow. By next Friday I'll be up to my full dosage, and then I start in to building up with the food injections.

What this means: until I'm up to full dosage, I'll be reacting to all my allergies, pretty much all the time. (When I'm up to full dosage, it builds up my immune system and makes me feel better. Before that, I react.) We went through this last year.

Symptoms: right now, I'm just exhausted. I slept for 12 hours last night, and then I had a nap this afternoon for about 3 hours. 15 hours, folks. Before the nap, I felt like I was pulling an all-nighter. I also have some cold-like symptoms, and the feeling like I have tiny needles in my eyes. But I'm making sure that I take Reactin regularly, and so lately it's just the tiredness, and the occasional headaches.

Plan of action: for the inhalant build-up, I'm just going to go with it. My house is really clean (I love my husband), and so I feel mostly good when I stay home. I also go outside when it's not torrentially raining. The semester's barely started yet, and so I'm just going to take lots of naps. I'll keep you updated on what I do when the food reactions start, however. Last year, I pretty much lost the ability to use my legs. (Swelling of the joints.)

The good thing about blogging my reactions: I know what to expect this year. Apparently, the exhaustion from the inhalant shots were the worst after the first injection (as I am now -- it's nice to know that this won't get worse), while the food build-up was just overall bad. (Wooooo.)

I am eagerly anticipating: When I am done this build-up and back on full doses. It'll be three or four weeks from now, and it will be sweet. Until then, I'll try to work on the crankiness.


Meg Persson said...

Why are they called inhalants when you inject them?

Queen of West Procrastination said...

(Sigh.) It's a serum of allergens that are normally inhaled (dust and mold, mostly).

Jen said...

You have my sympathy... here is a hug.


krisluvswool said...

What a yucky mess :( I wish you a speedy process.