Wednesday, March 18, 2009

GiST Day I Don't Have Time To Check: Quickly Before I Mark This Last Paper Edition

1. Yes, this week has been busy and I've been sadly comparing myself to that child who has to practice the violin while everyone else plays outside. But I've made a ton of progress, have met all my deadlines, and now I get to take the rest of the week off, guilt-free!

2. Tomorrow morning, after I hand in my marking, we're driving up to Ucluelet for the first time since our honeymoon! Ah, the West Coast (of the Island). I sure hope the weather's nice enough for us to explore the rainforest. And Cathedral Grove. And maybe the Goats On A Roof will be out by now.

3. Having my in-laws here means that my dishes magically stay washed all the time. And it means that there are delicious snacks all over my house. I've been eating way too well this week.

4. The deliciousness of the snacks in this house cannot be overstated.

5. One more paper, and then my marking will be complete. It's like a happy dream.

And one extra because I haven't posted all week: 6. My supervisor just gave me back my last piece of writing, after only 5 days of turnover, and he said he really liked it and I don't need to revise. Happy sparkly ponies indeed.


Bronwyn said...

Be sure to make everyone get inside the gutted tree at Cathedral Grove and then fart while they are trapped! So worth it.

The Blog Fodder said...

The store and restaurant with goats on the roof is the best on the island. I love it. I hope I can take Tanya there this year.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DUDE! No revisions on the last paper! EXCITING! Good work! It's totally because you wrote it at my house, I bet. Just kidding.