Sunday, March 29, 2009

GiST Day 57

1. It's nice that, even though I didn't have a vacation during Chris's two-week Spring Break, it felt like I had a break. I got out of the house more often than usual, and I can't believe how much time I've spent at the ocean. (It's sad that I live so close to the ocean and I rarely even see it.)

2. It always feels good to make progress.

3. Sunshine! Oh goodness, was I ever happy to see the sun. (Well dangit: I just looked at the weather forecast, hoping for more sunshine this week. And was greeted by a string of rain clouds.) Also, cherry blossoms make me so happy that I get all wiggly.

4. Tea: "Casablanca" from Silk Road. I bought it while I was shopping with Chris's parents.

5. I'm trying to Pollyanna the whole "my beloved slippers got left at the motel in Ucluelet and they're mailing them to me but it's been a week since they mailed them and they're still not here" situation: if it's been a week since the motel mailed my slippers to me, then my slippers should be here in the next few days. And then I'll be reunited with my slippers and the world will be alright again. (This occupies a little too much of my brain.)

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