Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"We apologize for the unusual delay..."

I am currently sitting on the phone, on hold with Rogers, listening to a continuous loop of Pachelbel's Canon in D. We switched back to Telus Long Distance in December, but Roger's still billing us for long distance. Um. No. And then I called them, and got transferred to two wrong departments first, before being transferred to what's allegedly the right department, except all I've heard so far is the Pachelbel and the annoying woman's voice who apologises for the delay. (And don't get me going on the voice-activated queuing system, where a robot figures out what department you need, and then they pick the wrong one, apparently!)

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh, and I got a really nice cheque from the university, but couldn't get to the bank until after it closed, and I don't know when I can next get to the bank when it is open. And that money would be so helpful, right about now.

And all of this happened within about half an hour of each other. Wow. I've been on hold for nearly half an hour now.

Seriously: is it Wednesday yet? Because I'm already whining.


roger said...

My bad.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

You'd better be sorry, Roger. Although thanks for the $21 cheque.

P.S. Were you aware that Canada had named a Telecommunications company after you? That's how famous you are in Canada. For serious.

roger said...

I'm not gonna lie. It's a lot of pressure having so many people relying on me for entertainment/their telecommunications needs.