Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Really Long Music Meme

Amanda tagged me for this one, and I may end up working on it off and on for a while.

Name your top 10 most played bands from your music library (I'm doing this with iTunes, and so this doesn't include the bands that I listen to on CD or vinyl, which accounts for the lack of Carole King, Cat Stevens, Don Maclean, and the Beatles):

1. The Cranberries
2. Simon and Garfunkel
3. James Taylor
4. Edith Piaf
5. Eva Cassidy
6. Amanda Marshall
7. (I'm skipping over a few artists where I only really listen to one song of theirs -- Merrilee Rush, Prelude, Bill Williams, a whole group from Lillith Fair that sang "The Water is Wide"...) Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
8. Dido
9. Jude
10. Gypsy Kings

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
The first song of hers that I really noticed was "I'll Be Okay." And it's still, by far, my favourite.

What is your favorite album of 2?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. I could listen to Side B of that album forever. It's just so brilliant, beginning with "The Dangling Conversation" and ending with "Silent Night/7 O'Clock News." It's just perfect.

What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?
This is an odd one, because everything I've ever listened to of Eva Cassidy's are covers of other people.

How many times have you seen 4 live?
Once we get that time machine working...

What is your favourite song by 7?
"Carry On," by far. It was the B side to "Teach Your Children Well," and I can't stop listening to that song. I love the harmonies, and the part where the bass line suddenly gets funky. It's kind of like "Band on the Run," how it's like a bunch of songs in one.

What is a good memory you have involving the music of 10?
Working with Ky in my office here, while listening to my whole Study Music playlist. We kept freaking out about how good the music was. And that list was dominated by the Gypsy Kings, as well as Baka Beyond, Alabina and the Buena Vista Social Club.

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Ha! It's James Taylor. Seriously: I think he's constantly intending to make you sad. Such as "Fire and Rain." Chris couldn't listen to that song when I was going to be taking a plane trip around the world, because of the line about the plane crash.

What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
Okay, that's better now. Favourite lyric by Simon and Garfunkel would probably be from "For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her" (again, from Side 2 of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme). "And when you ran to me/Your cheeks flushed with the night/We walked on frosted fields/Of juniper and lamplight/I held your hand."

How did you get into 3?
Between the music I'd listen to with Ky on roadtrips and watching Remember the Titans, it was like I couldn't get enough of James Taylor for a while. I looked up a bunch of his music, and would get "Sweet Baby James" stuck in my head for days at a time.

What was the first song you heard by 1?
I'm really not sure. You know, it must have been on Empire Records, because I clearly knew the words to a few of the songs by the time I was listening to tapes of theirs with May-B, Ky and Lyn on road trips. In that place, it was probably something like "Look" (which I, sadly, thought was about someone named "Luke.")

What is your favorite song by 4?
Right now, it's "Mon Amant de Saint-Jean." Mostly because I'd feel cheesy if I said "La Vie en Rose."

How many times have you seen 9 live?
Jude? I wish.

What is a good memory you have involving 2?
Glad there are so many questions about #2. Maybe all the fun conversations I had with the guy at the used book and record shop about my collection of records, and why it wasn't enough that I only owned Sound of Silence on CD. Okay, and also the time I introduced Ariann to the "59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)." She'd seriously never heard the song before, and was so excited about it.

Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
Ha! Again: isn't that the point of Dido? Right now, "Mary's in India" makes me sad, for some reason. Oh, and "My Lover's Gone".

What is your favorite album of 5?
Probably Time After Time.

What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?
"Lord, the berkshires seemed dream-like on account of that frosting/With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go" from "Sweet Baby James"

What is your favorite song of 1?
"No Need to Argue," by far. Wow, do I love that song.

What is your favorite song of 10?
"El Mariachi"

How many times have you seen 8 live?
Again: I wish. (I'll clarify that I've seen none of this list live. Seriously, I haven't seen that many live.) Well, I saw Jann Arden, unlike May-B. :)

What is your favorite album of 1?
You know, I think I'd have to say No Need To Argue.

What is a great memory you have considering 9?
Ah, sitting around Ky's living room, over-listening to "I Do" and getting artistically depressed.

What was the first song you heard by 8?
Of course it was "Thank You," which everyone was playing for so long. I didn't really become a fan until I heard "Here With Me" on Love, Actually and Meg and I started looking up all her music and singing all the harmonies.

What is your favorite cover by 2?
A cover by Simon and Garfunkel? Maybe "Go Tell It On the Mountain," because off the top of my head it's the only song of theirs that I can think of that they didn't write? Actually, I answered too many questions about #2, and so I'm going to pretend that it asked for #7, in which case I'm torn between their fantastic rendition of "Blackbird," and "The Times They Are A'Changin'"

Okay, that wasn't so bad, and that got me listening to my iTunes. (Except that got me listening to things not on the list. Right now I'm listening to Phil Ochs singing "The Dance." I love that man. Also, I did not see him in concert. As he died when my parents were like in high school.)

I'm going to take the wimpy way out and say that you're tagged if you want to fill this one out. Actually, I'm going to insist that Derek do this one, because it's right down his alley.


Anonymous said...

Ok, reading this just made me go download lots and lots of music.

Bronwyn said...

Thanks for rubbing it in about Jann Arden. Jerk.