Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Saskatchewan Bound. Again.

Don't expect to hear from me until at least after the weekend, and possibly until after next Tuesday. We're all packed now, and right after I finish at school and Chris finishes at work we fly to Saskatoon, and the next afternoon we drive to North Battleford. And then this weekend, the crazy Irish part of the family will be doing our best to Put the "Fun" in "Funeral." (It's our official family motto. We've even talked about making up t-shirts.)

So, talk amongst yourselves until then. Can someone keep an eye on things while I'm gone? Make sure that procrastination still happens in the Queendom while I'm gone? (I'm plan on procrastinating from reading a book that Dr. Supervisor's lending me. And from preparing for next week's seminar, which will happen the morning after I fly back.)

Topic of discussion: how much of a wimp has your Queen become, in her sojourn to the Far Western Isle of Weather Wimpiness? Keep in mind that she just over-packed, with blankets, long johns, wool socks to wear over other socks, several scarves, and even a hot water bottle, because she heard that it'll be going below -30C this weekend. And, even though that used to be a normal winter temperature and at least it's not -40, and hopefully it's not windy, she's a-scared of the cold weather.


Bronwyn said...

Aw. Poor wittle Maweeanne. Scared of a wittle code.

Island life has made you soft, my girl. No, wait. You were already soft. Nevermind.

Teacher Lady said...
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Teacher Lady said...

Why am I crazy and not Ky and Lyn?

Ha, ha the first time I typed soft because Bron's comment caught my eye.

Inside the Philosophy Factory said...

That isn't quite cold, is it? As a typical American, I have a hard time translating Celsius.... In my world, -30F IS cold... but 30 degrees below freezing isn't all that bad. Your nose hairs probably won't freeze instantly, although your teeth will get really cold. Chances are most cars will start at that temp.

I've actually experienced -40F (or worse). One year it was so cold it didn't show on the thermometer.

Anonymous said...

-30 Celsius is about -23 F.
-40 C is -40 F.

The real kicker is that it is windy here so it gets a lot colder.