Saturday, October 28, 2006

InaDWriMo, NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo, NaBoReMo

In the spirit of November's National Novel-Writing Month, we have Fussy's National Blog Posting Month (oh, am I ever tempted), and now Styleygeek's adaptation of NaNoWriMo, InaDWriMo (International Dissertation/acaDemic Writing Month).

I told Styley that I'm not at the point where I can be writing any amount of my dissertation by November (I won't even be researching it until next year!), but that there is work that I can commit to getting done in November. I'm going to finally set the pattern I've been supposed to be doing for my comps reading: I'm going to read a book a day. Thirty days, thirty books off of my Canada comps list. (Okay, twenty-five books off of that list, and five off of my Culture list, in conjunction with my directed reading course.) It sounds scary, but I'm going to do it. In addition to my German-learning and my TA work, every day I'm going to sit down and examine another book, and type up a page of summary.

This is the best time for me to get started in earnest. My funding applications are nearly completely squared away. I'm not going anywhere all month (an even have a reading break in the middle of the month). And, best of all, this regular SAD lamp usage means that I'm capable of doing a normal amount of work every day.

NaBoReMo: National Book-Reading Month. Or LoBoReMo: Local Book-Reading Month, unless anyone else wants to join me in my insanity.


Anonymous said...

You can do it. A book a day is a grueling pace, but if you're far enough along and knowledgeable in your historiography, you'll be able to get it done! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. I'm doing NaNoWriMo, so I'll be tapping away for November.