Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Good night, dear void.

Why do I feel the need to post on my blog, just because I had high traffic today? Why have I come to the place where I consume a pot of tea every time I sit down to read? Why do I define my day by my choice in tea? (Tonight, it's Pear Tree Green, by far my pickiest tea to brew. I think I missed on the water temperature, however, because it's not tasting quite right. Failing that, I add lots of sugar and everything's good. Seriously: you steep the stuff for only thirty seconds, and you have to make sure that the water isn't quite boiling.) Why is tonight's study music an endless loop of Dido? Why am I prepared to proclaim my love for anyone that identifies the quotation in the title? How can it already be 11:00pm, when I still have two and a half more readings before tomorrow's class? When will I write my conference paper?

Why haven't I given up and gone to bed?


Shannon said...

Meg Ryan to NY152 in You've Got Mail. Am I right? It's been so long since I've seen it.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

You sure are right, right down to Tom Hanks' alias! Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Man. I'm ashamed of myself. I knew I knew it from somewhere, but I was thinking like Orson Welles or something. And I am thoroughly impressed with the NY152, Shannon.

Shannon said...

I am waiting for some proclamation of love as promised in post...

Queen of West Procrastination said...