Sunday, November 27, 2005

Signs that Chris is at work

Sunday lunch: grilled chicken breast (with lemon pepper) and canned peaches.


Anonymous said...

So miss MernToast, how is this a sign that Chris is at work? Does he not like grilled chicken breast? Or do you just bring out the special food when he's away? Or is it the peaches that indicate his working state? I'm so curious. Oh by the way dude, this is my first blog comment ever. I miss you.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Shannon commented! The sign that Chris was gone was how random the lunch was. He originated the grilled chicken breast with lemon pepper, but he would've made me had vegetables...or anything else that wasn't canned peaches.

Shannon said...

Canned peaches, if I'm not mistaken, fall into the "fruit and vegetable" category of the Canadian Food Guide. Therefore, they should have the same nutritional value as the vegetables he would have made you have. Go peaches! Of course there was probably some sugar added if they were canned, but that's overthinking it.