Monday, October 31, 2005

C'est l'halloween, c'est l'halloween, hey!

My costume today? I'm going to wear my "technician" jacket over my regular clothes to seminar. Then I can tell them about how my uncle thought it was really funny the time I wore that jacket to a History Christmas party, because there won't be a useful one of us in the bunch. You can just call me a History Technician today.

I'm also tempted to wear my Batman t-shirt and touque, but I think my head would get too hot.

Okay, so now I really should get to reading over the required readings and printing up the class list, eh? That would seem appropriate at this moment. (And hey! It's my first day in my own classroom. I'm celebrating that fact.)

I only wish I had some cookies or candies or something to take to class, because that's usually awesome when someone does that.

Au jourd'hui, au jourd'hui hey! (Meg, did I spell that right? It's been so long.)


Life of Turner said...

Awesome! The Value Village costume that just keeps on giving! You're welcome.

Derek out.

Meg Persson said...

Yeah Mary, good job on the spelling. Also good job on getting that song stuck in my head FOREVER. Or at least until All Saints day!


Life of Turner said...

Then you could get All Saints stuck in your head..."I know where it's at..."

Derek out.