Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A whole new me?

Okay, I'm not expecting instantaneous change in my life. But, at the same time, I know that things have to change in a fairly timely fashion, so that I can get done everything that I need to get done. And so, today I wrote out all of my priorities and scheduled my day. That's why I'm updating my blog right now, because as of noon, my office hours begin. From noon to 5pm, my network card is unplugged, and I'm avoiding the phone. During those hours, my priority is this thesis (although I may also do some laundry, in my breaks).

This weekend was good for me; I was forced to re-evaluate what I am doing with my time, and what is really happening here. Hey! Maybe by the time this thesis is done, I can re-title this blog "The Former Queen of West Procrastination." I need to start taking my life and the choices I make seriously, and stop this avoidance game I play with myself. (I already know I can keep my honourary title and still get work done. The Queen of East Procrastination -- a friend of mine -- is working on her PhD and is married, and seems to have her life together much more than I do.)

I'm sorry for all the scattered and random thoughts there. I'm still sorting myself out.

What am I wearing? Pyjamas (different from last week) and a big Glad Tidings Bible Camp staff bunnyhug. (Not that I ever attended GTBC: it's one of Chris's old ones, because I'm a walking advertisement for other people's camps.) But, unlike some other days, I'm going to get dressed right away.

What are my plans for the day? Essentially to finish the Introduction of my thesis, getting a couple of loads of laundry done in the breaks. The evening I will play by ear, depending on how much progress I make today. (I would like to watch The Amazing Race, but that doesn't start until 9pm. Hopefully it will be much better, without Jonathan and Victoria. I fear that they will now focus on "Adam and Rebecca as the new Jonathan and Victoria." Oh, Amazing Race: stop trying to be like the other reality shows.) Other than that, I have very little else planned for today. This is good.

What are off-limits for today? Long phone conversations before 5pm; playing on the internet between noon and 5pm (I'm unplugging the network card so that I can avoid even being tempted to play). And Spider Solitaire. Oh, that Kryptonite of mine.

Bible Passage of the Day: "Why do you spend money for what is not bread; and your wages for what does not satisfy?" Isaiah 55:2 NKJV

Now I have to get to work!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Hey there- understand the feeling of creating a "whole new me"... learning a lot about that- thinking of you tons - Go For It! Write that thesis! We love you :)