The building that houses my department is undergoing repairs for the next few months, and so we're all in exile until the Fall. Our department office is operating out of a seminar room in a different wing of the building, while the grad offices have been relocated to what Trillwing calls a "cubicle farm." But a really, really nice cubicle farm.
I only vaguely recognised the name of the building when the department announced where we were going. Okay, and I wasn't putting too much thought into it, because my main thought was "Ugh, giving up our office for cubicles in a space we have to share with other departments? I guess I'm really going to work from home this summer." However, when I got talking to my friends from the department it turned out that I was just not recognising the new name for the library (now that the library has been doubled in size to include office space). In fact, it turned out that our new space is on the same floor of the library that holds all the books I use; you go to this obscure corner of the floor, to this unmarked door that has a keypad on the handle, and behind that door is a huge, airy space that is surrounded on three sides by floor-to-ceiling windows. I had no idea. Actually, I was talking to one of the head librarians this afternoon, and he had no idea either.
So, I decided to work from one of our cubicles today. On Twitter I started to list all the pluses and minuses of working in that space: we have wonderfully bright light and full wireless signal, and all the windows were open meaning that we had a lot of fresh air. I did a whole lot of research that I've been putting off, because it was so easy to go and grab more books. However, it also meant that I spent far too much time gazing outside at the nice view (this is not a problem in my basement-suite home office) and it got really cold when the wind picked up. And the construction site is right next to the building, and so I had to use my iPod to drown out the "beep beep beep" of the giant trucks. Also, I had to have Chris come and pick me up because I ended up bringing home half the library.
I'd say that today went well. I got a ton of work done, and while I shouldn't work there every day, I think this will be a good summer.
how am I not following you on Twitter? there aren't many people in my world who would get most of what I talk about... since my life is grad school! *sigh* this must be rectified. love you.
wow! which of the many needed repairs are they finally doing to clearihue? at least you have a nice place to work this summer and they didn't bunk you off to one of the condemned letter huts!
They're doing something to the outside of our wing, and so I think it might be something to the foundation? Maybe something for seismic stuff? This is just a guess.
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