I've been moving a little slowly this week, because I've been getting back into a routine of waking up at the same time as Chris and then going for an early-morning walk. We decided to take this morning off from the walking, because I was such a zombie yesterday, and because I woke up this morning with a headache. I let myself sleep until I woke up, but then I found myself even more dopey than usual, because I didn't have any structure to my day. My morning was a bit of a waste.
But then I noticed how nice it was outside. The sun is shining and the temperature has gone over 11C (about 52F) at my house. And I ate a quick lunch, grabbed my lawn chair and my laptop, and got set up to work in the backyard. I'm sure I look crazy out here: I refused to wear a jacket, but I'm wearing the knitted hat that Ky made me (because my hair is wet), and I have my big sweater wrapped around me. (Okay, I'm starting to get a little cold, now that I've been out here for more than an hour.)
And it worked. I've just finished editing and formatting some writing to send to my supervisor. Nothing like getting some fresh air and sitting in a sunbeam to knock the cobwebs out of my head.
Guess where I'm reading this? In my backyard, with a cup of tea and some popcorn. Great minds, they think a-likey-like.
Huzzah! You are my inspiration for working outside, even when it's still a wee bit cold.
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