We were going to wait to decorate the GINORMOUS TREE until tomorrow, but after Chris finished trimming bottom off the tree this afternoon, it was pretty clear that the branches were done settling and it wouldn't make any difference if we just went ahead and decorated tonight. I can't believe how nice it is to have my living room filled with Christmas tree. All those glowing lights make me so happy.
After the decorating was done, I played around with the camera, trying to get some good shots of the tree in spite of the low light in here, and ended up taking this one, in the (poorly-done imitation of the) style of my birthday buddy Marc Vandersluys (happy birthday in forty-five minutes, Marc!):
You know, I like myself in that picture. (And I usually don't like pictures of myself.) That was a nice way to spend my last evening as a 28 year old.
happy birthday! isn't a decorated lit tree in a dark room just the best part about christmas?
Happy birthday!!!
I haven't had a light on in the house apart from the Christmas tree since we put it up. Love it!
Happy Happy Birthday!!
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