Friday, September 25, 2009

The man I married

Chris was curious about how he'd score on the Beck Depression Inventory. We found an online version and he tried it out. His score: 0 -- "You are absolutely free of depression. Are you sure you answered each question honestly?"

And he did. It's amazing: I'm married to the most mentally stable man on earth. I appreciate that about him. (Even though sometimes I call him a robot. Absolutely no insomnia ever?)


Anonymous said...

i got a 2. it said "you are a normal person regarding depression." I guess they add the caveat so I won't go around assuming I'm normal in general.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Yesterday when I took it I got a 15, which was "mild". When I took it on the first cloudy day in a while I wa all "I'm aaaalwaaays tiiiired!"

Queen of West Procrastination said...

(by which I mean I got a 21 when I took it on a cloudy day)

Meg P. said...

I got a 32. It told me to contact my physician immediately! :-(

roger said...

I gots 0 too. But I *AM* a robot. BEEP!

Arlen said...

I have always known that about Chris. Make sure that he will vocalise his feelings though. High Blood Pressure, as we now know, does run in his family and stress,no matter how well handled, can seriously affect one's health.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

Yeah, I was making Chris take the Anxiety Inventory one as well, and I always have to make him talk about his feelings. I should start getting him to check his blood pressure.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Roger: pretending to be a robot = easiest way to make me laugh, without fail.