Friday, February 13, 2009

GiST Day 24: Leaving the House Edition

1. You heard me correctly! I'm leaving the house this evening, for the first time since Monday. That's why I'm writing this at suppertime; I don't know when I'll be home afterward.

2. And I'm leaving the house in order to partake in dessert fondue with many of my most favourite people!

3. Tomorrow I'm going to use Valentine's Day as an excuse to cook food that we normally don't justify. I already know that the dessert is going to be a white chocolate and vanilla bean version of chocolate lava cakes. I'm just not sure what we're making for the main course yet; I think I'm going to go to a nice grocery store and base the meal on what I find. I think a stop at my cheese shop might be in order, too.

4. Christopher inflated 154 pink and white balloons today and then used them to fill the area around the Vice Principal's desk. For her birthday. I think I will keep that Christopher.

5. Did you know that Spring Break has now begun? Spriiiiiiiing Breeeeeeeak! Whoooooooooo! And I'll be spending it with the entire crew from Amandolyn and Ky, as well as May-B from Reality Check and Vicki the Puppy. Not too shabby.


Teacher Lady said...

I'm up here Michael.

C said...

glad you are feeling better! have fun with everyone this week! happy valentine's day!