Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where I've been

My brain has been occupied for the past several days, because one of my fellow PhD students has been in the hospital down the street from us, and so I've been spending a bunch of time down at the hospital. (He's going to be okay -- the condition that it turns out he has is actually one that runs through my family -- although he's going to have to make some changes and scale back on the stress a bit.)

This whole incident has brought a lot into focus for all of us. For one thing, we've all realised that we grad students have become quite close over the past couple of years. I had an odd moment on Tuesday, when Chris and I were driving to pick up Lee and take him to the emergency room, where I realised that I'm now close to people in this city. Close enough to take them to the hospital and sit with them in the emergency room. It's a strange thing to say, but it's a nice realisation.

I've also realised that I am part of a fantastic department. Seriously, it's been lovely to see how the department has reached out both to Lee and to his girlfriend Andrea (who is a fellow PhD candidate). Every member of our administration has made sure that any stressors (work, TA obligations) have been nullified for the rest of the semester. (In fact, it turns out that our TA hours are set up specifically in such a way as it is easy for others to step in and do your work, if you're not able to do it.) People are stepping up and offering to do their marking for them. Professors all over the place are offering help. The grad chair showed up at the hospital yesterday with a card and flowers signed by everyone.

It is a good thing to see. I'm so glad to find out what a wonderful and supportive department we have here.

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