Friday, September 07, 2007

Ways in which it's frightening to live here

Two separate articles from the Times-Colonist today, which are giving me reasons to shut myself in and hide, or move to the prairies:

1.) "CREST, which stands for Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications, is the digital radio system used by police, fire, ambulance and military crews in Greater Victoria. It has a litany of problems that require millions of dollars to fix, and is considered so unreliable that Victoria police officers refuse to patrol alone." From an article entitled "Radios, phones failed police at murder-suicides." Gives me great amount of confidence in my local police force. Great.

2.) There is a design fault in several of our ferries, which caused one of them to crash a couple of years ago. The other ferries with this flaw are still up and running, and people at BC Ferries don't see a need to spend the money to fix them. (Seriously: great article as I'm packing to ferry to Vancouver.)

I'm beginning to strongly suspect that there's some serious incompetence around here. (Other evidence: did you know that some of our major cloverleafs, exiting from Giant Main Roads onto our Major Highways, have crosswalks across them? One of them -- the one from Mackenzie onto the Pat Bay Highway, aka Ferry Traffic Chaos -- doesn't even have lights or signs warning you it's coming up. You just drive around the curve, and suddenly it's there! On an on-ramp to one of Canada's most dangerous highways!)


Teacher Lady said...

4:20, that's all I'm saying.

Leslie M-B said...


I do have to give props to our highway folks here (Caltrans). They rock. Did you see, for example, that the Bay Bridge into SF was closed over Labor Day weekend? In three days, they destroyed a portion of the old bridge, cleaned it up, and rolled a new, huge portion of the bridge into place. A multilane highway--put on tracks and pushed into place. Brilliant!