Friday, March 02, 2007

Some Semblance of Normalcy

I'd call this a good day, considering the week I've had and the way I've been avoiding the university:

1. Get a ride to school in the early afternoon.
2. Get in to the office, to discover that there's a workshop going on in ten minutes and everyone else is going to it (you, of course, forgot about it and didn't really plan on attending). Attend the workshop.
3. Discover that the workshop has a lot to do with research that you used to do. Ask a fairly intelligent question. In response to his responding question, get a chance to reference one of your publications.
4. A fire drill! At the university!
5. After your allergy shot (where you read Entertainment Weekly, for an interview with Eddy Murphy, instead of your book), show up at the office just in time for a good friend to be trying to find you.
6. Post-pone work for another hour in favour of having tea with a friend.
7. After she leaves for class, post-pone work for another hour while doing research on the university that just offered her a spot in their PhD program. (Have I mentioned how much I love advising people about potential grad programs and careers? I especially love looking up university websites)
8. End up still at the university when your friend gets out of class at 6pm. Look over grad programs with her. Take the bus together (hooray for not having to ride the bus alone in the dark!)
9. Make a nice supper, even though husband is at work and it would be so easy to eat junk.
10. Spend the evening talking on the phone with Mommy and sister, and playing on the internet. Sit with space heater just inches from feet and a fleece blanket around legs.
11. Have husband arrive home with a free pizza.

I didn't get any work done. But I did manage to spend several hours at the university, and spend an entire day around people, and it didn't wear me out. In fact, I feel even better as a result of it. (But tomorrow I'll have to get work done.)

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