Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My most recent seemingly-redundant obsession

Straightening my hair. With a straightening iron. I love doing it. And my hair looks fantastic when I do it. This new obsession is hilarious to me, because I have what some call "poker-straight hair." It takes an awful lot of effort to get this hair to bend at all, much less to curl. And yet I use a straightening iron on it. And it looks fantastic when I do. But, at the same time, I feel ridiculous when I do.

This has been another navel-gazing and content-free post from The Procrastinator Who Doesn't Yet Have To Take Antibiotics, But Just Apparently Has the Worst Cold Ever, And Who Is Also Currently Obsessing About The Nose Spray She Was Prescribed. (It's a steroid? Is this going to stunt my growth? Am I in danger of 'roid rage? Do I render it ineffective if I blow my nose afterwards? How long should I wait? Why did the pharmacist feel the need to talk to me about the nose spray, and then only say "Use it twice a day. Once before bed, and once when you wake up." Shouldn't he have been warning me that I'm going to be spraying steroids into my sinuses?)

This has also been brought to you by the Good Idea of the Day: pumpkin pie for lunch.

I promise to make more sense in the future. I have to make more sense immediately. I lead my first seminar tomorrow afternoon. I also have to edit a conference paper and submit it for publication this week. And put together a major bibliography. Maybe I should have done some work over the break.


Twirly said...

As a person with very wavy hair I own a Chi (read very expensive) straightening iron and I love love love it....I can straighten my hair in 0.2 seconds (but I don't do it very often because you know it takes 0.2 seconds)...

Anonymous said...

Post a picture! I have straight hair but I never do anything with it. Maybe a straightening iron would help. What is better about your hair when you are done?