Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I'm still alive...but just barely

I'm posting from my in-laws' computer right now. This is the only way you could communicate with me right now, even if you were in the same city as me, because I can't talk above a whisper. Actually, I tried to talk on the phone a couple of times today, but it wore me out and, as Ky said, I sounded (when I was talking my loudest) like I was doing a Mike Tyson impression. And I had a nosebleed today. I haven't had one of those since just before my wedding (apparently, the humidity on the West Coast does make a difference).

And, between Chris and me, I'm the healthy one. He picked up a nasty stomach bug, which hit with full force the moment that we entered this house.

I'm glad that this was not my only week in the province. I had a good, and fairly slow-paced, time last week. I hung out with family. I went to a small wedding of a dear friend. I went to a retreat (where both Chris and I caught these illnesses). And, even though we're sick, it's good to be home. But, to all of you who are looking forward to seeing us this week, prepare yourselves for the fact that we won't be operating at full speed. (Okay, Chris probably will be. He gets sick quickly but violently, and recovers instantly. I, on the other hand, am no better or worse than I was three days ago.)


Anonymous said...

Well, you were probably due seeing as how the semester ended and the holiday fuss is out of the way. Your body is saying "Time for a break!" Glad to know you're a live, if only just barely! Take care!

Shannon said...

Poor Mern. I hope you feel better soon. I don't want you to start equating Saskatchewan with nosebleeds and sickness or you might never come back. And that would be sadness to the extreme.