Saturday, January 06, 2007

And miles to go after I sleep

And with that, our trip to Saskatchewan is nearly over. Tomorrow morning we wake up before 5am, get ready and catch a plane. (Yuck.) This trip has been a roller-coaster for my emotions and my health. It always seems to be that way, every time I come home. And, as always, there wasn't nearly enough time to spend with the people we love, and we have new resolve to call home more frequently. Again.

I'm trying to wrap my mind around the process of switching back to Victoria mode. It took so long to switch back to Saskatchewan: to the weather, the people, the pace. And we're going to be hitting the ground running in Victoria. We land just in time to go and set up for church. And we start preparing for a funeral on Monday. (Note to people who know my Victoria life: Grace died this week. Which means that our tiny church group is down by one very fiesty and independent old woman. And we now don't have a place to have regular Wednesday prayer meetings.) We'll be landing right into the middle of our home life. I'm also going to have to make a list of the friends that I need to call when I get back into town, and the work that needs to get done right away. I'm going to have to get back into the habit of cooking and cleaning and doing laundry. I'll have to think about my schoolwork again.

It's a difficult thing living far away from home and having a completely separate life somewhere else. Especially when things change while you're away.


Anonymous said...


Ari <><

Matt said...

I've very sorry to hear about Grace. It was good seeing you.