Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Second Blogaversary to Me!

Okay, it's really 10:20pm on the 14th right now, but the 15th is going to be a busy day for me and I wanted to have this post up for the full day of the 15th.

Minions of West Procrastination! Your Queen has now been blogging for two solid years!

It's so strange. When I started this blog, I was an unmarried MA student, attempting to begin writing a thesis and living in a giant apartment in Saskatchewan with a wee little roommate named Meg. I could name all of my readers: Meg, Ariann, Derek, Mikey, Janny, and Aardvark Al (the only stranger in the bunch). I had no idea that there were other academics who had blogs.* I had only heard the word "blog" for the first time that summer, when Ariann and Derek showed me the ones they had set up. Since then, not only have I finished that degree, gotten married, moved across the country, and completed a year and a half of another degree, but I've written 805 blog posts (plus a few unpublished drafts, including one about my adventures as a Girl Guide) and fallen into a merry band of academic bloggers, who have done a lot to shape how I understand myself as a scholar. If you would have told me, three years ago, that I would communicate on a daily basis with people that I only knew on the internet, I don't know what I would have thought. (On the other hand, how different is this from the number of pen pals I had, when I was a child?)

And so, to honour this glorious day, please stop by and say hello, and (since the "what's your favourite method of procrastination?" question was taken last year) name your favourite childhood toy. I'll go first: first place goes to the stuffed polar bear named Lizzie, because I seriously slept with that teddy bear until I got married and brought her back out when Chris went to Anaheim. However, honorary mention goes to the doll house that my great-uncle built, complete with little spool dolls of every member of my family. I was always super-jealous of the cool toys that my friends Ky and Kara had, and then when we got older it turned out that they'd always coveted my spool people, to the point of attempting to make their own.

* Did I ever mention that the first academic blog I ever came across was Blogenspiel? She commented on Go Fug Yourself and I was all "A medievalist? For serious?" And I clicked on her link. And then I started exploring the blogs on ADM's and Sharon Howard's blogrolls.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Miss Mary! I'm so happy you took up blogging, because I miss you too much already and this definitely helps matters. And I might on occasion be slightly entertained by your bloggery as well. :)

I don't remember many of my childhood toys, but I loved my special blanket. It was blue, and soft, and pretty, and it's accompanied me on all my travels around the world. And an honourable mention goes to my teddy bear Mojo, because of course I was still only 6 when Derek gave him to me. ;)

Love, Ari <><

p.s. I know you're really Mrs. Mary now, but it sounds weird and it doesn't rhyme nearly as well with Miss Ari.

Pilgrim/Heretic said...


And congrats on the two yeas blogging. Glad I found you!

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! Favourite toy... that's a hard question. I guess I'd have to go with the big 3 storey Barbie doll house my uncle made for me and all the Barbie stuff I had growing up -- since I still like to play with it with Madeline. Remember the "Barbie Quiz" post I did last year comparing barbies from the 80s with barbie now?

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!
My favorite toy would be a stuffed horse that I've had for as long as I can remember. I remember him being really big and I used to nap with my head on his stomach. I set out to find something similar for my daughter when she was born and kept looking for a huge stuffed horse lying down. When I got MY old horse from my parents' house, turns out he's not that big. I was just little. Even as I look at it right now, in my memory, he's huge.

Teacher Lady said...

My favourite toy was a blond doll named Shasha. I got her when I was less than one year old. She has permanently spiked hair since I took her into the bath tub with me almost as soon as I got her. I thought there was a vampire that lived in the walls of our house that was trying to steal her.

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy(s) was all of my dress-up clothes. My sister and I would play dress-up for days on end if we were allowed to. We actually played dress-up even once we were way too old for it; it was that much fun.

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th. All the best and whatnot.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

So many fun toys!

I have a mathematician! Mysterious mathematician, I think other members of your family are also particularly partial Lego. Gramsey, in particular.

Dixie, your Barbie post where you compared the bodies of the old and new ones was spectacular.

Teacher Lady Janny, this is the first I heard of your fear that a vampire was trying to steal Shasha.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!

My favourite toy when I was little was a weird cow that you fed pills, made drink water, and then milked. I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!

I had too many favorite toys to mention here, but among them were a slim gray plush rabbit named Easter, and all kinds of art supplies.

And then, of course, there were the 100+ model horses. :)

Life of Turner said...

Congratulations on the blogaversary! I still find it ridiculous that you have posted well over once a day, but I suppose quality comes with quantity.

My favourite childhood toys were definitely all my action figures: Ninja Turtles, Star Trek, Lego figures, Terminator. I created a very elaborate plot which involved them all, and I would routinely use this ever-growing story to lull myself to sleep. But I was stupid and got rid of them years ago.

My other favourite childhood toys are still in my possession, though: my Intellivision, Nintendo, and Super Nintendo. So many lost hours of video gamey goodness.

I still have my teddy bear, Laurie, but he's more of a friend than a toy. And to clarify, Ariann was metaphorically 6. Because that could be creepy.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Derek: "I suppose quality comes with quantity"? Booooo! Glad that you could turn your light posting into a virtue.

Anonymous said...

My favourite toys are definately not considered toys in my family. They are more like members of my family. Squeezy is the quiet one who supports you through anything. Where Boe and Cow are fun loving and can make anyone smile and any given time. It's amazing what two teddy bears and a puppet can do when you have a husband like mine!

Anonymous said...

Happy continued procrastination!

My favourite toy was a rabbit I had as a kid. I gave him away when my best friend was moving and I never forgave myself for that. I cried and cried until my Dad bought me Curious George.

My other favourite was a doll named Suzy. She was the literal size and weight of a toddler.

jo(e) said...

Happy Blogiversary!

A Raggedy Ann doll was my favorite toy. I brought her to college with me.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

My favourite toy was a Piglet doll, who is now earless and much-darned. He went everywhere with me. I once lost him on a BC Ferry, and they held the ferry for something like 10 minutes as all the crew went looking for him. (Ah, the 70's)

If I get really upset, I still need to give him a cuddle.