Sunday, October 08, 2006

Island Thanksgiving

Last Thanksgiving was our (in memory of) Saskatchewan Thanksgiving. It was our first Thanksgiving away from our family, and we spent the weekend either with Saskatchewan people or watching Corner Gas. We had dinners with extended family members, we looked at old maps, and spent a weekend talking about the prairies.

This year we're having an Island Thanksgiving. Yesterday, we put on our hiking shoes and walked all over the city, enjoying the warm autumn day. Then, we did baking (pumpkin pies and biscuits) to contribute to my church's Thanksgiving project, where we're all providing part of a Thanksgiving dinner for an elderly woman who has been too sick to cook for herself. Chris and I are also going to eat the dinner with her and her son, and we're going to do all the serving and clean-up. (I think a hidden purpose in this meal was also our church wanting to make sure that Chris and I had a Thanksgiving dinner, seeing as we're the displace prairie kids.)

Our weekend has nothing to do with flat land, farmers and extended families. It has everything to do with the home we've established here, and the people who have acted as our support network here on this island.


arimich said...

Good! Happy Thanksgiving, you two!

Life of Turner said...

I'm really glad to hear that you are making a home of the coast. Enjoy your island in the sun! (Cue memories of dancing rats in Muppet Christmas Carol, or possibly the opening chords of a Weezer song. And that's probably the first time the word "weezer" has ever appeared on your blog. And I probably made you just go check. I'm pure evil.) (That was an awesome parenthetical phrase.) (So was that one.) (I'll stop being witty now.) (Now.)

Derek out.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Apparently, that was the first time anyone said "Weezer" on my blog. Which is odd, because you'd think there'd be some commentary back and forth with my sister about "Buddy Holly" or about the video with the muppets or something.

Or you'd expect that I'd have talked about when the Weezer (whatshisname? I forget) guy was on DNTO and I heard the interview twice.

Matt said...

I don't know. To "stop" being witty, shouldn't you start being witty, first?

Although we miss you in Saskatchewan, we're glad you've settled into your home in Victoria! Happy Thanksgiving!

You should totally talk about Weezer more often. They do good work. By the way, what did you think of the latest Vinyl Tap? I didn't enjoy it as much as the Revolver Revisited one. It had its moments, I guess, but there have been better shows. The latest Vinyl Cafe (especially the mis-dialed phone number) was awesome, though. That's enough CBC radio discussion for now.