Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quick late-night conference thoughts, Night 2

Today was the opposite of yesterday, when you consider how I felt when I left. First of all, today I received all kinds of positive responses about my paper.

The best part of today was the time I spent with those Big Names who shared my session and intimidated me so much, approaching the conference. I sat down with each of them today, and talked over my plans for my dissertation. We're going to be e-mailing about sources, and one of them particularly pointed me in some really good directions for figuring out how I want to research. It was thrilling. I spent my day getting new mentors.

And it was funny how much they played down themselves as "experts." Big Name 1 (the one who rescued me with all the German questions) was surprised to find out that I've not only read his book, but that I own it. "You mean you're one of the 88 people who own it?" he asked incredulously.

Big Name 2 was sad for me that I have to read her book for my comps reading.


Limon de Campo said...

Yay for academics who aren't full of themselves! (And congratulations to you for a successful presentation.)

Leslie M-B said...

Yay for a good day! I'm so glad things are looking up after all your angst.

krisluvswool said...

Kudos to you! In some ways I feel ill-prepared for conferences and delivering papers! Am very envious of your bravery and success!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! That's great.