Saturday, September 09, 2006


I either have a mild cold or had some sort of allergic reaction yesterday. I was a mess. And so, today I get a day of making myself as comfortable as possible. Because I deserve it. (Yes, I do act entitled when I'm sick.)

I'm wearing: green capris, purple polo shirt and a fleece jacket. Not only am I wearing rubber-soled slippers, but Ihave my little space heater blowing on my feet.

I'm consuming: so very much homemade cream of broccoli soup, with cheddar cheese mixed in. We added lots of garlic and cayenne pepper this time. It's the best thing ever.

I'm considering: what kind of tea to make next.

I'm listening to: CBC Radio news, while waiting for Definitely Not the Opera to start (first new episode of the season! And Tara Ariano will be on!) Now it's on! And Sook-yin's playing "Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers!

And yet: I've also been getting work done, believe it or not. I just updated my one page CV and sent it to the grad secretary (the department likes to keep one on hand, to make it easier to nominate us for scholarships). And now I'm going to get some work done on my conference paper.



Matt said...

Yay for the Bay City Rollers! Channeling "So I Married an Axe-Murderer".

Queen of West Procrastination said...

That's what I was thinking of.

Life of Turner said...

"Turn down the Bay City Rollers! The soccer game's about te begin! Now kiss your mother before I kick your teeth in." - Mr. MacKenzie

Derek out.