Monday, September 04, 2006

The depressingly inevitable happens... which I mean the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, has been killed by a stingray. Yeah, I know that years ago my brother and I were pretty much taking bets on when this sort of thing would happen, but it's a lot sadder now that it has. (Here's the story on CBC Arts.)


Pink Cupcake said...

It's weird, because obviously I can't really say I'm surprised about this, but in some ways I am shocked. I think it's because he survived so many potentially fatal situations in the past that he seemed to have gained an almost death-defying quality.

Either way, it's very sad news.

Bronwyn said...

No!!! That is so sad. I mean, totally inevitable, but sad.

Matt said...

Yeah, he made his way out of so many scrapes, you kind of figured he was invincible. Farewell, Steve, you will be missed.

arimich said...

It's especially weird because it's not like stingrays usually kill people. You'd think he'd have sooner been eaten by a crocodile. I'm sad for his family.