Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Baby Steps

I'm all set up in the PhD office, instead of procrastinating at home. I let the houseguests venture off on their own today (armed with bus money and bus maps). I've also skipped my union's contract ratification meeting, because getting this work done is a more pressing issue. I've even sent an e-mail to a professor!

Yes, this e-mail was 2 weeks overdue.

No, I haven't gotten any other work done since then.

Yes, I'm blogging right now.

Oh, and I should soon go get my allergy shot and then go home.

But I've made some progress! And I promise that I'll make some more before I go home.

Added at 2:40 pm: Hooray! Take that, other project! Can you believe that I procrastinated for two whole weeks on a task that took me an hour to complete?


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you sent out your houseguests on cheaper bus rides than you charged during our visit! :-)

P.S. I'm proud of you for doing your work today, Mary. I made Karl take the day off.

Rebecca said...

Oh yeah, I can believe it. I recently procrastinated almost that long for a phone call which took less than 5 minutes and turned out to result in a pleasant surprise. And that wasn't the first time. The question is why can't I remember that lesson?