Thursday, March 23, 2006

My Home Is Happy

My home likes company. It's sad when it has to put up with just me all day; I just wander around in my pyjamas and make it messier. But now, even though there's only Chris and me here right now, it's buzzing with activity. Shannon dropped her stuff off for her weekend visit, Rebecca just stopped in for a cup of tea, and a work friend of Chris's showed up for a minute. (And I talked to Janny and Saryn for a while this morning!) That also means that I've been cleaning. And sitting down over peppermint tea at the kitchen table. Which means the kitchen table is clean.

My home is in Hospitable Mode right now, and somehow even the lights seem to glow friendlier. Now, if only I can also get it into Finishing That Essay mode. And maybe Getting Some European History Read mode.

1 comment:

Pink Cupcake said...

What a lovely image this post creates. I feel as though I'm sipping peppermint tea at your kitchen table. How wonderfully homely! :)