Saturday, February 04, 2006

Saturday Waffle Blogging

Having Chris here on a Saturday is like returning home. I have a lovely waffle in my stomach now (he added white chocolate coffee syrup to the mix -- yum!), and Go is playing in the background. (Side note: that show needed amandolynandky in the audience. They were doing "Mash-Ups" of popular music and wanted the audience to guess what it was. One of the mash-ups included "Voulez-Vous" and a lady said "Well, it's some kind of Brit-pop." AAAAA!)

We crazy-love the CBC in this household; I keep lurking about the CBC store, being seriously tempted to buy some merchandise. I can't wait until DNTO this afternoon; TWOP's Wing Chun (aka Tara Ariano) is starting a regular segment on the show.

Okay. Now I return to Fernand Braudel.

ETA, an hour later: Chris is currently converting his old CPU into a file-holder. (Why? Because it's there.) It's all drills and saws and hammering and glue guns in the office. This is what I call "Life With Chris."

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