Friday, February 10, 2006

I miss Friday nights

The race is on: Jen's grandpa comes to stay at our house on Saturday night, so that we can take him to church in the morning, and then Ky arrives on Sunday afternoon. After Ky leaves on Thursday, I have two presentations (one more major than the other) on Friday, and then my parents arrive, to visit for a week.

I have a stack of reading in front of me, a large chunk of which I have to have read by the end of this evening. Tomorrow, we will also have to go and buy some things before we have company (extra pillows, groceries...). It's a race...and I'm winning! (Meg: name that movie!)

In other news, I found out that one of the other PhD candidates is a pastor. And he has his Doctorate of Divinity from a really cool place. We had a good talk today, which is exciting, because since I moved out here it feels like my academic life is more separate from my faith life. If that makes sense. It was easier when I was back in Regina, when I was involved in campus Christian activities and profs could rely on me to contribute the Bible knowledge. Here...well, it's not like I wear a big sign that says "I'm a Christian." It's more subtle than that. Even finding out these basic facts from the other PhD, it was like asking leading questions about each other and finding out what each other's "background" is, and then feeling free to talk openly when we knew more about each other. Oh, the complicated life of faith and higher academia. And apparently this is taking part in the dialogue that Karl has begun. That kid has a good effect on me.


arimich said...

Me too.

Meg Persson said...

Rat Race!

It's a movie... and I have never seen it!