Saturday, February 11, 2006

End of a lovely day

Look at those pretty mountains
Originally uploaded by Maryanne, Queen of Procrastination.

Whenever the day is clear, I always say "Oh, I really should go up Mt. Doug and take pictures of those pretty mountains in Washington." But I'm pretty classic for not doing things I intend to do. (Case in point: this week, Ky and I may finally watch a movie we've intended to watch for about five years.)

But, today when Chris came to pick me up, he brought along the camera, and we drove up Mt. Doug. I loved it so much.

You can see the whole set here.


Meg Persson said...

That's gorgeous, Mary.

Caffeinated Canuck said...

I'm hungry for a view without roads, or buildings, or telephone poles. I don't belong in a city. I honestly believe living here is killing my spirit.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

West Coast! West Coast! West Coast!