As I was sorting through all the e-mails my computer has had to download in the past day (thanks to the month I went without this laptop), I found this photo of my bound thesis, which is waiting for me at my parents' house (name and the title cleverly blurred, although you can see that, back at Alma Mater I graduated under a compound name of Maiden and Married last names).

I'm still stunned that we ever got past this point. I think we all should be.
So I just linked to the "this" in your blog and I'd like to say that you are right about mind games. I know for a fact that the mysterious friend you mention still wears the said orange poncho.
Big congrats on the bound thesis. Procrastination royalty or not, you did work hard and deserve it.
Congratulations on graduating and the bound thesis! What a nice job the U of R does on the binding - beware, in five years' time at UVic you will pay through the nose to get your disseration printed and bound. That print invoicing paperwork was the bane of my last week in Victoria!
Oh, Gillian, my mom had to take my thesis in to be bound (for me, for the department, for Dr. B) at our expense. And so I know about the paying through the nose. It's less the University that does the good job, as Perkins, the only bookbinder in Regina. (Good guy to go to if you want a name put on a Bible, by the way, although the University's worried that he's going to retire.)
And, Shannon, I'm glad our mysterious friend still wears the poncho.
Also: take notice of my parents' new computer. This is the first I've seen of it. Pretty.
Your mysterious friend is currently wearing the poncho.
Although it's not helping her with her thesis at all.
This mysterious friend wishes she had an essay to write so that she could wear her santa hat.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! It's Christmas!!!
Santa hat it is, then.
I love the idea of you two sisters being mysterious. I also love Lynnie's excitement over her Santa hat.
Ha! Your thesis is in the (formerly) alien green room! Congratulations! (On your thesis, not on its location.)
Yeah, now Mom painted it toothpaste green.
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