Friday, November 04, 2005

You're talkin' to the tourist whose every move's among the purist,

I'm so excited! One of the local radio stations was playing "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head (from the musical Chess). How awesome is that? I can't even begin to describe.

"Siam's gonna be the witness to the ultimate test of cerebral fitness..."


Life of Turner said...

About a month ago, I was driving in Saskatoon over the lunch hour and it came on. I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud. at the fact that I knew pretty much all of the lyrics. I'm going with proud.

"I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine!"

Derek out.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I was waiting for someone to finish that line. (That's why it ends with a comma.)

Life of Turner said...

I figured as much. And really, who better to finish that line than me? Excepting the irony of past nicknames.

Derek out.