Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Guess what came this morning?

Now, how in the world would I be able to show you that it's cloudy and rainy, outside my door? And to finally demonstrate that the weird plant gorss looks like a spider plant with giant foxtails growing out of it? Hmmm....

I'm glad that I was already up and dressed when the delivery guy came at 8:00 this morning. But my hair was crazy, and I think he was laughing at me.

And now there are so many things to learn about this camera, which I don't have time to learn. Now: more reading, for this afternoon's class, and completing that paper proposal! Full speed ahead!


Meg Persson said...

I'm so dumb. I was looking at the photo thinking, "I don't get it. WHAT came this morning?" And that's when I realized it wasn't what was in the picture, but the picture itself. Boo for how ridiculous my mind is sometimes..


Anonymous said...

Meg, I did the exact same thing.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I did that on purpose.

Anonymous said...

I love that you used the word "gorss" to describe that spider bush. That's my favourite word of disgust, next to "skusting" of course.

Jen said...

I was like, "Why is she so excited over a child's swing set?"