Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Post #278

Today, in the midst of procrastination, I noticed that many other blogs (or, at least, many blogs I've read lately) make note of big "mile stone" posts. Perhaps they even take that moment for some retrospect. That's when it occurred to me that I'd never really noticed the number of posts that I have; I checked and it's 278, as of this one. I'm not sure if that includes saved posts that I never got around to completing and posting (I have a few unfinished thoughts in there -- I really should go back and clean house). But that is an impressive number, considering the fact that I've been blogging for ten months. I think that is a true testament to the depths of my procrastination this year. And to the number of memes, quizzes and random thoughts that I feel the need to post. (Derek comforts himself in claiming that he puts more work into the quality of his blog, quite unlike the apparent shoddy workmanship that you read here.)

And right now: why do I post? I post because I procrastinate. I post because I should be leaving to bus to prayer meeting, but it's wickedly windy (rare for Victoria, so far) and drizzly outside, and I will have to walk some distance from the closest bus stop to the place where we're having prayer meeting tonight. And it's dark outside, and I hate being outside in the dark, alone, these days. But I will go, and it will be good. I just had to take that moment to whine.

Now I should go. Goodnight, lovely bloggy people. Maybe I'll start posting things of substance again soon.


arimich said...

I love your shoddy workmanship! I am rarely, if ever, disappointed when I visit your blog. It makes me happy (like its owner). :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I have 278 postings too. Weird. I'm off to post #288.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

278 to 288? Are you going to post ten times?