Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy Saturday

I'm so glad to have Chris here on a Saturday morning, and not to have to go anywhere. That means we can have a traditional Saturday morning: fun breakfasts and CBC Radio (1 and 2 -- this morning I convinced Chris to listen to "The Vinyl Café" instead of "Go" and now we're anticipating "Definitely Not the Opera."). Normally, we make waffles, but we're low on corn syrup, and so instead I experimented with puffy omlettes, the instructions for which I found in my beloved BH&G cookbook: from four eggs, you separate the whites from the yolks, and then you use and electric mixer and beat the bejeebers out of the whites (you also add 2 tbsps of water after the whites start getting frothy) until they form peaks. Then you beat the yolks (just with a fork), add salt and pepper, and fold the yolks back into the whites. THEN you spread that crazy mix onto an ovenproof frying pan, on low heat (with lots of butter/margarine melted on it) and cook it for 6 minutes. Then you put in in a 325F oven for 10 minutes, and it's done! When you take it out, you fold it in half and then cut that in half: big frothy puffy omlettes for two!

That'll be much better once the digital camera arrives. They looked so cool.

Well, I'm buckling down for a work marathon today.

To accomplish this weekend:
For tonight: work on "marriage time homework" with Chris, for our Alpha Marriage course, the next session of which is tonight. (It has homework: questions we have to answer and things.)
Due Monday: do the readings for seminar, and print off the next evaluation sheet. (That's all that seminar prep really entails, for this course). Also, I must work on the next German chapter, since I have to miss that class (for seminar) and I'll be responsible for it for Thursday's midterm.
Due Thursday: study German (I have a stack of vocabulary words, and I have to also practice the cases and case endings some more) for the midterm (I think the best thing I can do is a bunch of practice translation). Write my presentation for the history workshop.
Due Friday: Go over the grantscrafting lady's comments, and re-work my Program of Study. See if Dr. Supervisor can take a look at it, before I hand it in. Find out the specific page number for my Encyclopedia entry (for the credentials section).

Now I have the most unsettling feeling that I'm forgetting something. Yuck. I don't like that feeling.

Edited to add: I remembered what else I'm missing! For Tuesday: write a proposal for the women's studies conference.


arimich said...

I miss the Vinyl Cafe! (How do you put that little accent thingy over the "e"? I've never been able to figure that out, and I always feel guilty when I can't put it on.)

Pink Cupcake said...

Wow, your weekend sounds hugely productive...not a whiff of procrastination in sight. ;)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for you kind comments...

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Ariann: Alt+0233. Look in your character map, for making all kinds of fun symbols.

And okay, so I haven't been nearly as productive as I ought to have been yet. There has been FAR more procrastination than there ought to have been. It's going to be a busy day, as a result!

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Evidence of procrastination: Matt called me tonight and mentioned, "You seem to be procrastinating really heavily this weekend; when I went to the church games night on Friday night, everyone I talked to had talked on the phone with you that day."

In fact, I have had more phone conversations that usual this weekend.

Meg Persson said...

Ariann - you can also use Alt + 130. In fact, most of the letter-symbols you need for other languages range from
Alt +127 to Alt +170. FYI.