Sunday, October 09, 2005

Busy Thanksgiving

Chris has the dishes finished. I have the bathroom clean. Now we're de-cluttering the living room and putting away the laundry. Then, I prepare the chicken, put it in the oven and set the timer.

We're having a Thanksgiving dinner after church! We've invited my Uncle Stan (has some kind of training in town this week and couldn't make it home before the holiday) and Jen's grandpa over (we also invited the lady who carpools to church with us, but she has a full schedule of turkey dinners this weekend).

That was our answer to the sad realisation that we had to spend this holiday away from our family: we're establishing our own family traditions. And we're inviting everyone else who can't be with their families.

Now I must go (I was just catching my breath, after all the strong bathroom cleaner chemicals).

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Becca said...

de-cluttering- nice to hear someone else us the term :)