Friday, September 23, 2005

Queen of W.P. vs. Telus

Telus: it's on.

I just got this month's phone bill, after they "adjusted" it last month, after their negligent mistake of signing us up for the wrong (read: more expensive) long distance plan. So, this month's phone bill is $20 higher than last month's, because with the new (allegedly cheaper) plan (1000 minutes a month, in evenings and weekends, within Canada) they charge you at the beginning of the month for your next month's usage, apparently. And they also charged us for last month's bill, re-rated. Oh, plus $20 of long distance usage on the day before what they re-rated, when I was still under the impression that I was using 200 of the 1000 minutes. When I called their customer service, they were only willing to refund $10 of that extra $20.

And so, as of a few days to hook things up, we're now Rogers customers for our long distance. We had to keep our home phone and internet with Telus (Rogers home phone not available here, locked in to a contract with the internet) and so we've got 42 hours a month of long distance (that's right: 2.5 times the amount of minutes), for cheaper than Telus, at any time in North America. I can live with that. The Rogers lady was really nice, too. She's getting married next year, and we talked about how stressful all the name change paperwork can be, especially when you're moving.

Apparently I'm learning assertiveness.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Rogers has long distance?
Good job on standing up for yourselves. Telus is netorious for bad customer service.