Saturday, January 09, 2010

Taking a break while I can

Tomorrow's going to be crazy and my house is going to be in upheaval.

But it's all because of good things: for one, my landlords have bought a new washer and dryer for our suite! We kept telling them that they didn't have to worry about it (even though our washer was sounding distinctly like a train was coming through our apartment), but then they got a good deal on a set on Boxing Day. (I think they were also eager to make that noise stop, considering the fact that they live right above us.) Today, Chris and Derek helped our landlord move out the old pair, and it turns out that the washer was leaking oil all over the floor.

(I confess that the laundry's been piling up this week in anticipation of the new washer and dryer.)

While we're waiting for the delivery guys to arrive with the washer and dryer tomorrow, we'll also be waiting for people to show up and take away our Christmas tree. (They'll do it in exchange for a donation to some children's charity. This is good, because I wasn't sure how we'd get the tree to the chipper, using our car.)

The tree guys could show up anytime between 8am and 4pm. The appliance delivery guys will be here between noon and 6pm. (And then we rush away to Derek's Saskatchewan-Themed birthday party immediately after that.) I guess this limits my options for how I occupy my day tomorrow.

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