Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Grace in Small Things: Day 1 of 365

1. My Dad's blog always makes me happy. Dad's blogging, Mom's on Facebook, and I'm thrilled to see both of them so relaxed, silly and healthy, considering how stressful everything was when Dad was sick two years ago. Things are really good now.
2. I have made some fantastic and caring friends through my department. I don't know that I really expected that when I first moved here.
3. Tea. I am always thankful for tea.
4. I'm making real progress in German. By the middle of next week I should be 2/3 of the way through Rosetta Stone. This is the first time in five years that I haven't felt like my need to learn German was hanging over my head.
5. I have me a good Christopher. And he just brought a cruller for me from Tim Horton's.

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