Monday, April 07, 2008

Final Count Down

To do this morning:
  1. Make myself a solid breakfast: fried egg, toast, fruit, orange juice. Hm. I wonder if I can bring a snack with me, considering the fact that I always start feeling weak and hungry in the mid-afternoon.
  2. Sit down and review the cards one more time.
  3. One last time: quickly write out my titles from memory.
  4. Make a sandwich and bring it with me. Bus to the university for noon, so that I have some time to look over the department laptops and choose one to use.
  5. Don't forget to bring: big bottle of water, zip loc baggie with some small snack in it, pen and scrap paper, cash for a department t-shirt, iPod.
And then that's it. I'd better get things started and stop lolling around like this.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Break legs!

Bronwyn said...

If you don't know it by now, you never will. (tee hee - don't hurt me!)

You'll do AWESOME!!!