Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Important Update

Chris and I are re-starting his blog!

It started when we were discussing some fun plans for his Robot Club at school. I asked him if I could start telling his stories on my blog, since he's not updating his.

"No!" he said. "I want it on my blog!"

"Then are you going to start updating your blog?"

"But I don't have time!"

I asked him to add me as a contributor to his blog, so that I could get things started. He'll give me the pictures, videos and stories, and I'll compile them for him. And I know what will happen: I'll won't tell something right or he'll want to tell things in his own words, and he'll start writing again. That's my scheme. I know that what's been keeping him from writing is actually the fact that he feels like there's so much work to be done on the template and on his website; it has nothing to do with the actual time it takes to write. And so this will help get things going.

So long that the Kindergarten to grade 3 branch of Robot Club actually does meet at lunch today, I'll be getting the first post up later today.


The Wisper said...


LynnieC said...

Robot club? I love your husband

Becca said...

That is soo awesome... lookin' forward to it!