Saturday, June 09, 2007


I was trying to fix something with IE7 and somehow my Outlook Express disappeared. And I couldn't find any of my e-mail files. And then I was freaking out, and running Undelete Programs (which couldn't find my e-mails, either), and realising how much that I needed (including my online plane ticket information) had suddenly disappeared.

And so I gave up and re-installed OE. And there are my e-mails. I have no idea what I just did, but I hereby swear off trying to fix things myself anymore. I'm just glad that all of those e-mails are still there.


Andi said...

Yay!!! I'm glad that everything worked out.

Leslie M-B said...

For the love of all that is holy, stop using IE. Get thee back to Firefox.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

(I knew that I was setting myself up for that comment.) I AM using Firefox! It's just that IE went nuts when I switched to Firefox, and I was playing around with "Remove or Add Windows Component" and chose IE. And the computer didn't remove IE, but did remove Outlook. And then when I went to add Outlook back, it added back Outlook and removed IE. And that's how I'm leaving it.