Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spring Break! Wooo!

Chris seriously cheered that all morning yesterday. Before he drove to work in the rain.

Allegedly, this is my Spring Break. Or Reading Break. Or what have you. "Reading Break" is more the appropriate term, even though it's more like spring here than it is anywhere else in the country right now. I really am spending the week reading. And looking up books in the library. And attacking my house, trying to return things to normal. (At least last year we had house guests. Although it's a good thing that no one came here for the break; the spare room is full of boxes still.)

My brain isn't coming up with anything more clever to say, and so just remember me, while others are spending the week snowboarding at Whistler or sunning themselves in Cancun. I'll be gorging myself on discounted cinnamon hearts and tracking down books on the Spanish Civil War. (Okay, and taking half-hour walks every day, taking pictures of the flowers. Because, um, there are flowers blooming outside. I hate being one of those Victoria people who writes to Saskatchewan and says "The daffodils are blooming!" while knowing that they're digging themselves out of some recent blizzard, but here I am.) (I think that, when I go to the library tomorrow, I'll take a break by walking around the campus gardens. I hear that the rhododendrons are blooming, which is a big deal here. Like, tour groups come to see the "rhodos" on campus.)


krisluvswool said...

Well, those people in Sask. should be growing spring flowers indoors so that you don't have to feel guilty :) Which reminds me, I should post some pictures of my lovely pink hyacinths. PRETTY!

Bronwyn said...

Ah heck, it's too cold in Sask to grow flowers inside either!