Monday, January 22, 2007

Confession (I do this every once in a while)

I have a serious soft spot for Motown music. I think I'm going to go through another Motown phase, now that I've seen Dreamgirls. Wow. That movie stunned me. (I have an even bigger soft spot for musicals, and especially for musicals where I can feel emotionally involved and the music can heighten that emotionalism. Therefore: West Side Story yes, Chicago no.)

Of course, as with all of my first impressions with movies (because I'm so much of one to respond emotionally to a movie and then like it less upon reflection), I'm going to have to see whether I like it so much a few days from now. I think I will. (By the way, it's the first time I've been in a theatre where the audience has broken out into applause when it wasn't opening night. But that was natural, because the movie's very deliberate in making you feel like you're right in the middle of a fantastic and high-energy concert.)


Reel Fanatic said...

I think Dreamgirls will the big winner at the Oscars, all deserved ... I went on opening day, and there was a packed theater of mostly black people there .. without exaggeration, they broke into applause at least six times, twice during the closing credits .. Along with just applauding this great movie, I think they were just so relieved to see a movie with people who looked like them and weren't pimps, pushers or hos

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Welcome, Reel Fanatic! I hope you're right about the Oscars. That's awesome that the audience broke out into applause so many times. The audience I was in broke out into applause during the closing credits, the moment that Jennifer Hudson appeared on the screen.