Sunday, October 01, 2006


Chris and I use our blender a lot. We're usually making some kind of soup, smoothie or guacamole that requires us to test our blender's limits. Today, my beloved blender (a Christmas present from my grandparents, about four years ago) developed an alarming burning smell while I was making dilled carrot soup.

I'd already been suggesting to Chris that we replace our cordless phone, and so he convinced me that we ought to replace our blender instead. We did some research online (okay, I've been pricing out blenders since the last time we watched Enemy of the State), and then rushed to London Drugs because they had a sale ending today. The one I originally thought we should get looked disappointingly cheap in the store. It had a plastic jug and superflous doohickeys to distract from the cheapness. (Keep in mind that Chris and I have each worn out a blender in the past couple of years.)

We let the salesman talk us into this one, which is going on sale this week, because it should last us much longer than the ones we keep getting:

For our inaugural usage, we tested how powerful this blender really is. Note the whole frozen strawberries in the bottom.

I think I'm in love.


Life of Turner said...

It looks good, but it's no Vitamix 3600, though. I miss Vita.

Derek out.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

No, my Cuisinart would destroy Vita. It would make smoothies of Vita.

krisluvswool said...

Ooooh! Lovin' it. We decided to put off buying a cuisinart blender and I kinda wish we hadn't. My target brand blender has been making that burney smell since the first time I used it!

Pink Cupcake said...

Oooh it's beautiful! We have a Cuisinart coffee maker/grinder and it's one of the best things we ever bought. I'm seriously in love with it. :)