Saturday, September 16, 2006

The upside of procrastination:

I don't remember when my house was cleaner. Something in my brain keeps saying "You know, it'll be far easier to write if I'm not stressed out by this messy house." And so -- all while intending to write a conference paper -- I have vacuumed thoroughly, done every stitch of laundry that could be washed, organised the office, cleaned the kitchen floor, and switched around the phones in our house (so that the corded phone is by the comfortable couch, and the cordless phone is in that awkward spot in the kitchen). Now, my brain's been telling me that I'll write far more easily when the bathroom floor has been washed. Also, in terms of virtual housecleaning, I just updated my blogroll.

A wise woman suggested that I decide to work on something that I dread even more than writing. Then, I can turn writing into my outlet for obsessive procrastination. Logically speaking, this idea is brilliant. And yet: I can't think of what I can make myself dread. Can I intend to procrastinate?

And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to organise my sewing supplies.


Quiche said...

Things I dread more than writing:
*Clean the base-boards
*Paying Bills
*Updating driver's liscence, social security number etc.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Sadly, I've done all of those while procrastinating from writing. Especially the base boards cleaning. I was just doing that. (I vacuum them. It's weirdly fun!)

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for reminding me! I can procrastinate by updating my driver's license as well!

Today I procrastinated by vaccuuming (twice), cleaning the bathroom, and painting a picture.

Total Writing Hours: .5

Queen of West Procrastination said...

That schedule sounds just like mine.