Saturday, August 12, 2006

Good Idea AND Bad Idea of the Day

Having a 4 1/2 hour nap was a good idea, considering this really weird migraine. It was also a bad idea because I began said 4 1/2 hour nap at 5:30pm. I'm some confused right now. (Side note of over-share: I'm pretty sure that this migraine was tied into a really weird allergic reaction, because I'm also really congested.)

But I still managed to win at Settlers of Catan. While feeling like a disconnected head. I didn't feel like playing a second game (because I'm still exhausted), and so the other two crazies in the house are playing for me. Apparently, they're placing me as badly as possible. I think they're trying to anger me. (Hilariously, apparently my effigy is currently winning.)

They've also been doing chemistry experiments today. As a result of that, they made me take Alka-Seltzer. (They were using it in experiments and decided that it would help me.) At least they waited until I woke up and felt a lot better.

My best idea of the day? Jell-o. Always a good idea.

Other bad idea of the day? Blogging with a migraine and while confused from too much sleep.

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